Megan is my little sister. She has her moments, and she can be quite the Taurus. But she is good at heart. Megan had the cutest little girl, Chloe, and she is my little bundle of baby love. She is the most mellow baby ever. She woke up from a nap, and I was holding her on the phone, and she just sat there, looking at the world, and taking it all in. She didnt fuss, she didnt squirm, she just sat there for me. Megan and I have had our rough spots and butting of heads. But Megan has really shown that she is a better mother than I ever thought. She is my little sister, and I am so proud of how she is raising Chloe. Everyone, meet Chloe Faye. She is a bundle of chubby cheek love. Enjoy.
Chubby Cheeks.
Megan is my little sister. She has her moments, and she can be quite the Taurus. But she is good at heart. Megan had the cutest little girl, Chloe, and she is my little bundle of baby love. She is the most mellow baby ever. She woke up from a nap, and I was holding her on the phone, and she just sat there, looking at the world, and taking it all in. She didnt fuss, she didnt squirm, she just sat there for me. Megan and I have had our rough spots and butting of heads. But Megan has really shown that she is a better mother than I ever thought. She is my little sister, and I am so proud of how she is raising Chloe. Everyone, meet Chloe Faye. She is a bundle of chubby cheek love. Enjoy.
Hey Sista.
Today we added Jill to the family. The wedding was beautiful, of course. Reagan tried his best to walk slow down the isle, but it wasnt quite a success as you can tell by the blurred image he created as he bolted to Jordan. But I can say that I have never seen my brother as happy as I saw him today. Congrats you guys, and Jill, welcome to the family. Enjoy.
Give A Little Thanks.
Well. Thanksgiving was a success. Everything went as smooth as possible. I had great food, great company, and a ridiculously full belly. I am thankful to have a roof over my head, money in my wallet, a car to drive, family and friends who love me, and a great job that allows me to pay all of my bills. I am very lucky to have all the things in my life that I could ever want. I hope that everyone sees the good that they have in their life. Life is too short to dwell on what you dont have. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy.
Some Assembly Required.
Well everyone, it is officially that time of the year. The cold snap has finally come. The sales are outrageous. People are busting out their fat pants. The holidays are here. This year will hold a lot of firsts for me. For the very first time in my life, I bought my own turkey, and will be cooking it in my very own oven, while my mother teaches me how to not mess up Thanksgiving dinner. She and I have been making plans all week, and we are going to have dinner together. As a family tradition, we always set up the Christmas tree while mom cooks. We bust out the endless Ziploc containers of ornaments, and we decorate the tree with decorations older than I am. We listen to Christmas music, and we all get along. Mom cooks. Thats how it always was.
This year is different, because the tables are turned, and my mom is going to enjoy watching me cook. Of course she will be helping with almost everything, due to the fact that I am a noob, and if I did it all alone I could very well set the house on fire. This year is also different because instead of decorating with my brothers, I am decorating with a new addition to my family of friends, Aaron and Alyssa. Aaron and I pulled every single branch of the tree apart, and put every branch in the tree. Alyssa helped with adding the lights. I put the brand new ornaments on the tree, and enjoyed what is my new family tradition. Here is my Christmas tree, the night before Thanksgiving. So i can show my mom my thanks for everything that she done for me, and I can cook for her. Enjoy.
"These Boots Were Made For Walking." Liars.
You know that expression beauty is pain? They werent kidding. I mean really, think about it. Wearing those super ultra ridiculously cute shoes that look amazing? Are they ever comfortable? Do you seriously wake up and go, "I cant wait to wear those four inch heels!!" No, you dont. But that doesnt change the fact they are the cutest shoes ever. So you put on your war paint, slap on those pumps, and pretend all day that you dont just want to cut your feet off.
I was shopping yesterday with my best friend in the whole wide world, Michael. Oh yes, I went shopping with a guy friend. He enjoyed it. And all the women telling him what a great boyfriend he is for shopping with me. Hahaha. The first store we went to was for, of course, heels. I love booties, mostly for the fact that because I broke my foot I feel much more stable in heels if they are very, very securely fastened to my foot. We walked up to the first display and on the very top were the cutest booties I have ever seen. After I asked him his opinion and informed him that if he was just honest in his opinion, this would go much quicker than shopping with any normal girl, he told me those looked amazing. I tried them on and we were out the door in five minutes. If only the night out walking in them were that painless. But, beauty is pain people. Enjoy.
Thats My Boy.
In my family, ownership of dogs went by seniority. Pipi, was Jordans, as he was the oldest kid. Graham got the second dog, Imzadi. And Ian was the last to get a dog, Lucy. There were some family... issues, that prevented me from getting a dog myself. After the dust settled with that, a good friend of mine gave me one of her dogs, Tug, and was soon stolen from my possession by my mother. I would like to state that if YOU always had a pocket full of dog treats, they would love you more too. Im teasing mom, laugh. Luckily, Becci happened to have two more litters of puppies, and I got to choose one of those. Thirteen puppies. I knew which one I wanted in thirty seconds.
Bailey. He is my very handsome, pure bred Red Tri Australian Shepherd. Cute as could be, and as happy as he could be with his tubby little belly, asleep. Solid red with a tiny little white stripe on his neck. I picked him up and put him to my face, and he licked my nose with the sweetest puppy breath ever. I picked him at twelve hours old, and he has been my baby boy ever since. I will be the first to admit it that he is spoiled rotten. But no matter what I do, no matter what mood I am in, there is nothing better than coming home to him sitting at the door waiting for me. His little nub wagging so hard that it travels to his poofy butt, up his back, and soon is wiggling his whole body just for me to pet him. He has the most loving personality, and all he ever wants is to lay at my feet and let me pet him. He is there when I need to just cry. He is my boy. I wouldnt trade him for the world. He even models for me. This is Beatle Bailey Boo. Enjoy.
Bailey. He is my very handsome, pure bred Red Tri Australian Shepherd. Cute as could be, and as happy as he could be with his tubby little belly, asleep. Solid red with a tiny little white stripe on his neck. I picked him up and put him to my face, and he licked my nose with the sweetest puppy breath ever. I picked him at twelve hours old, and he has been my baby boy ever since. I will be the first to admit it that he is spoiled rotten. But no matter what I do, no matter what mood I am in, there is nothing better than coming home to him sitting at the door waiting for me. His little nub wagging so hard that it travels to his poofy butt, up his back, and soon is wiggling his whole body just for me to pet him. He has the most loving personality, and all he ever wants is to lay at my feet and let me pet him. He is there when I need to just cry. He is my boy. I wouldnt trade him for the world. He even models for me. This is Beatle Bailey Boo. Enjoy.
mostly sweet with a few nuts.
Family is like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts. I come from a family of all boys. Three older brothers. Being the only girl sometimes has its advantages. Sometimes it doesnt. Like when you are trying to pick out outfits, you cant go to your brothers because if you look cute, they give the person taking you out death stares, and if you dress like they want you to, you will be enjoying the lovely style of a turtle neck and jeans that do your body no justice. Sisters are good because there are always going to be those issues that you just dont go to your older brothers for. Im sure that they will be more than happy to agree.
The good thing about brothers though, is that they usually find you some pretty amazing sisters, and it makes up for all those years that I was sister less. My oldest brother, has an amazing wife named Raelene. The first sister. Funny, smart, loving, and always willing to listen. It was such an amazing thing to finally get a sister in law.
Ian is the next boy to be adding a sister to my list. Jillian. I went to school with her. She always has a smile on her face. She is always brightening the mood. She has some serious style skills. I love that she is such an understanding person who will listen to you and try and talk you through your problems, even if it is as simple as Photoshop. She will be joining the family in just one short month. Im super excited.
Schaara will be the last and final sister to join the clan in just two very short months. I havent had the chance to really get to know her. But she is very sweet and I can honestly say that I have never seen my brother Graham happier to be with anyone than he is when she is around. I am excited to get to know her better as she becomes another great addition to our family.
These are my sisters. Mostly sweet, but sometimes nutty. Enjoy.

The good thing about brothers though, is that they usually find you some pretty amazing sisters, and it makes up for all those years that I was sister less. My oldest brother, has an amazing wife named Raelene. The first sister. Funny, smart, loving, and always willing to listen. It was such an amazing thing to finally get a sister in law.
Ian is the next boy to be adding a sister to my list. Jillian. I went to school with her. She always has a smile on her face. She is always brightening the mood. She has some serious style skills. I love that she is such an understanding person who will listen to you and try and talk you through your problems, even if it is as simple as Photoshop. She will be joining the family in just one short month. Im super excited.
Schaara will be the last and final sister to join the clan in just two very short months. I havent had the chance to really get to know her. But she is very sweet and I can honestly say that I have never seen my brother Graham happier to be with anyone than he is when she is around. I am excited to get to know her better as she becomes another great addition to our family.
These are my sisters. Mostly sweet, but sometimes nutty. Enjoy.
This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet.
I am happy to say, that it is not MY Eggo, that is prego. But I am even happier to announce, that it is Raelene's. I remember the first time that she got pregnant, I was at home, and the phone rang.
"Bradley Residence"
"Hey Moira, it's Jordan. Is mom home?"
"No, she went somewhere."
"Oh. Well, do you want to hear some exciting news?"
"Suuuure. Whats up?"
"Raelene is pregnant. Youre the first to know."
That is right people. I KNEW BEFORE MOM. Be jealous. Well, Raelenes eggo is prego again. And, again it is a boy. I didnt want to post any pictures of her, before she saw them. I did a shoot with her though, and her lovely peanut M&M belly. I am excited to show her, but I am just as excited for my new nephew. Im sure he will be just as adorable as Reagan. Enjoy.
"Bradley Residence"
"Hey Moira, it's Jordan. Is mom home?"
"No, she went somewhere."
"Oh. Well, do you want to hear some exciting news?"
"Suuuure. Whats up?"
"Raelene is pregnant. Youre the first to know."
That is right people. I KNEW BEFORE MOM. Be jealous. Well, Raelenes eggo is prego again. And, again it is a boy. I didnt want to post any pictures of her, before she saw them. I did a shoot with her though, and her lovely peanut M&M belly. I am excited to show her, but I am just as excited for my new nephew. Im sure he will be just as adorable as Reagan. Enjoy.
I Dont Work For Free.
Vegas is known for several things. Mostly, it is just known for it gambling. Casinos, bright lights, big personalities, and more character than most even know how to handle. For my photography class I had to go to a very well known area, and take some pictures. Freemont Street. The start of it all. All you old timers. Yes, youuuu. You know what I am talking about. Driving up and down Freemont street with your friends on Friday nights. Well, I am sure that the area is much different now, then it was then, due to the fact that Freemont is a tad outdated. Nonetheless, it is a place for performers.
When I first got there I wasnt quite sure what to shoot. But then I realized, as a man dressed as murderer walked in front of me, that people were dressed up. Then I saw this lady dressed in a showgirl outfit, and I couldnt help but love how randomly tattood and bright she looked. I dont like asking people to pose for me, so I made Alyssa go ask her. She went and asked her, and her reply was, "I only take pictures for tips." So we pulled out a couple of dollars, and tipped her. Thats right, I paid for these services. ;)
Luckily, I got some other people who were willing to work for free. Here are a couple shots. Enjoy.

His work.

Graham, I actually followed this guy around, trying to get this picture. I thought of you.

When I first got there I wasnt quite sure what to shoot. But then I realized, as a man dressed as murderer walked in front of me, that people were dressed up. Then I saw this lady dressed in a showgirl outfit, and I couldnt help but love how randomly tattood and bright she looked. I dont like asking people to pose for me, so I made Alyssa go ask her. She went and asked her, and her reply was, "I only take pictures for tips." So we pulled out a couple of dollars, and tipped her. Thats right, I paid for these services. ;)
Luckily, I got some other people who were willing to work for free. Here are a couple shots. Enjoy.
His work.
Graham, I actually followed this guy around, trying to get this picture. I thought of you.
There Is No One Alive, More Youer Than You.
My name is Moira, for those of you who are reading this, but dont know me personally. I am twenty years old. I have a wonderful job. I am a college student. I have been diabetic for nine long, long years. I am stubborn, smart, quick witted, confident on most days, and more sarcastic than you can handle. I am a fighter, lover, achiever, and on my good days, a believer. Im there through the thick, and I am there through the thin. You can call me at all hours of the night, and I will answer my phone to talk to you. I will drive to you when you need help. I love my dogs. Im loud, just like my mother, and there isnt a person in the room who isnt aware of her large personality. I am the sister to three guys who, even though they dont always show it, will pick up the neighbor boy by his throat when he is mean to me. I have some great friends, who deal with my shinanagins, and my drama, and still love me anyways. I have a life that I love, I have the world at my feet. I am going to have a story for every winkle, and every grey hair I get. I will have the best stories to tell. I will always be, me.
I am a photographer. Which to me, is one of my best quality's. I capture moments in time, and hold them still forever. I catch people, one click at a time. I have had quite the crazy past few months. I needed to catch myself today. Here I am. Enjoy.
I am a photographer. Which to me, is one of my best quality's. I capture moments in time, and hold them still forever. I catch people, one click at a time. I have had quite the crazy past few months. I needed to catch myself today. Here I am. Enjoy.
There Is More To Life Than Being Ridiculously Good Looking.
I have a lot of time at work to look at all kinds of things in magazines and online. A large part of my day is often spent looking for images that would be cool to make my own. This is not a well known fact, but I have quite freak obsession with Amy Winehouse. She is not the most popular person in the entertainment industry, and she is known best for hiding her drugs in her ridiculous beehive hair. Today at work, Alyssa was going through Harper's Bazaar and an article with Amy Winehouse came up because she is debuting her new clothing line because she is putting her life on a new track. The reporter talked about attending the shoot and watching Winehouse interact with her photographer, and as the shoot went on, she became more and more drunk off her rather large glass of wine.
What caught my eye about this article, as most things with Amy Winehouse, was the picture of her in the middle of the page. Now we all know, she is not the most eye catching lady in the group, but I find that this is what I really like about her. She is completely her own. There is nothing that phases her. Like if a fan gets in her face at a concert, the simple solution is to deck them in the face. Why havent all the pop stars caught onto this yet? She has this look about her that no one else really can imitate.
If you all knew Alyssa, how I know Alyssa, you would know that she too fits this mold. She is the girl who will go against the grain just because you told her not to. She is bold, brave, intimidating, hard to get, frustrating, and often difficult to deal with. But once you peel back these complicated layers, you will find that she loves with her all, gives what she can, and even though you think that she doesnt care, she comes through and she does. There is no one like her.
Seeing the picture of Winehouse made me want to take a picture like it. A lass who has had her issues, fought through them, and still came out kickin' after it was all said and done. I slapped a coat on her, put a light in her face, and snapped. Enjoy.
What caught my eye about this article, as most things with Amy Winehouse, was the picture of her in the middle of the page. Now we all know, she is not the most eye catching lady in the group, but I find that this is what I really like about her. She is completely her own. There is nothing that phases her. Like if a fan gets in her face at a concert, the simple solution is to deck them in the face. Why havent all the pop stars caught onto this yet? She has this look about her that no one else really can imitate.
If you all knew Alyssa, how I know Alyssa, you would know that she too fits this mold. She is the girl who will go against the grain just because you told her not to. She is bold, brave, intimidating, hard to get, frustrating, and often difficult to deal with. But once you peel back these complicated layers, you will find that she loves with her all, gives what she can, and even though you think that she doesnt care, she comes through and she does. There is no one like her.
Seeing the picture of Winehouse made me want to take a picture like it. A lass who has had her issues, fought through them, and still came out kickin' after it was all said and done. I slapped a coat on her, put a light in her face, and snapped. Enjoy.
Double Take.
Sometimes there are those moments in your life, where something catches your eye, and you have to double back just to be sure that it is what you really saw. Sometimes it seems to be what you saw, and you become totally interested in finding out what it is. Other times, it does not seem to be what you thought, and you go on never thinking about it again. I have a knack for doing just that. I will walk by something, thinking that I saw this glimmer out of the corner of my eye, and it will turn out to be something great. Today I had that glimmer, nothing exciting, but gave me a picture for today.
I was walking through the produce section of Walmart, being the wonderful daughter that I am, and getting strawberries for my mom when, I walked by a set up of different flowers. They were assorted arrangements, and there were bouquets of roses. Some were red, others where white, and then, in the midst of them all, there were three, pink pink roses, that were the only one of their kind. I stopped and looked at them, smiled, and put them in my cart. When I got home, I put them in a vase, pulled out my camera, set everything up, and shot away. I wasnt getting what I had hoped to get in the picture, instead I was getting every other picture that people get when they photograph flowers. I then stopped, and made myself think, "How can I do something, different." I pulled out my tripod, pushed back the rug, set the vase on the floor in my kitchen, and let it sit. I thought that it wasnt anything too amazing, but then I saw it, in my double take, something that I caught at a glance, a picture that caught my eye. Enjoy.
I was walking through the produce section of Walmart, being the wonderful daughter that I am, and getting strawberries for my mom when, I walked by a set up of different flowers. They were assorted arrangements, and there were bouquets of roses. Some were red, others where white, and then, in the midst of them all, there were three, pink pink roses, that were the only one of their kind. I stopped and looked at them, smiled, and put them in my cart. When I got home, I put them in a vase, pulled out my camera, set everything up, and shot away. I wasnt getting what I had hoped to get in the picture, instead I was getting every other picture that people get when they photograph flowers. I then stopped, and made myself think, "How can I do something, different." I pulled out my tripod, pushed back the rug, set the vase on the floor in my kitchen, and let it sit. I thought that it wasnt anything too amazing, but then I saw it, in my double take, something that I caught at a glance, a picture that caught my eye. Enjoy.
Aint Raining On My Parade.
It is not often that it rains in this City of Sin. In fact, it almost never does. But as the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. I wanted to get a picture of the lighting in a storm, but the skies are no where near clear enough for that, nor do I have a camera that I can point into the rain and not worry about having to buy a new one tomorrow. I spent a good chunk of time trying to get the rain coming off of the roof but that was to no avail. So i went to the porch and thought that a picture of the stop sign and the disgustingly dirty street outside would be much easier.
I stepped outside and took one shot when I saw that the apartments across the way were only going to be in my way. Then, it came to me. I ran inside, grabbed my tripod, a lovely pink towel, and my sweatshirt and ran to the street. Focusing under a towel, in the pouring rain I got, what I think to be, one of my best night shots ever. Enjoy.

I stepped outside and took one shot when I saw that the apartments across the way were only going to be in my way. Then, it came to me. I ran inside, grabbed my tripod, a lovely pink towel, and my sweatshirt and ran to the street. Focusing under a towel, in the pouring rain I got, what I think to be, one of my best night shots ever. Enjoy.

Youre My Best Frienddddd.
I have known Michael now for about fifteen years. He is truly my best friend. He is goofy, annoying, funny, smart, and always knows what to say to make me laugh and get me angry at the same time. There isnt a childhood memory that I dont share with this kid, and although at times I want to remove his eyes with a dull rusty knife, I wouldnt trade him for the world.
He came over for dinner last night and I asked him to sit for me so I could take his picture. His first response being, "Man if I had known that I would have done my hair!" Nonetheless he let me put an obnoxious light in his face and between text messages to someone he didnt want to hang out with anyways, I got a classic Michael pose. I love you kid. :)
He came over for dinner last night and I asked him to sit for me so I could take his picture. His first response being, "Man if I had known that I would have done my hair!" Nonetheless he let me put an obnoxious light in his face and between text messages to someone he didnt want to hang out with anyways, I got a classic Michael pose. I love you kid. :)
Everyone Has To Start Somewhere.
I wanted to start a blog to post pictures for comments and opinions. I am not sure where my photography will go. But I hope to be famous enough one day that people are striving to take pictures in the same way that I did. I plan on posting new pictures a few times a week, in order to always give myself a reason to take pictures. Since I like knowing what people think of what I am doing, I have decided to do it here.
My name is Moira. I am a photographer. I hope that you find my pictures and Moirazing, as I do.

This is my nephew Reagan. Unbelievably cute and too smart for his own good. We were taking family pictures at the park and there was a huge open field. Reagan was being quite the sport, even though he "dont want to take one more picture!" We were walking to the next shot and I told him to hold still so I could take him picture. I snapped a few shots, and the last one I got was this one. Hand in pocket, and the cutest grin ever, could you even think of saying no to this face?
My name is Moira. I am a photographer. I hope that you find my pictures and Moirazing, as I do.
This is my nephew Reagan. Unbelievably cute and too smart for his own good. We were taking family pictures at the park and there was a huge open field. Reagan was being quite the sport, even though he "dont want to take one more picture!" We were walking to the next shot and I told him to hold still so I could take him picture. I snapped a few shots, and the last one I got was this one. Hand in pocket, and the cutest grin ever, could you even think of saying no to this face?
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