30 Days, here we go!
Picture of yourself with ten facts:
1. I love photography, it has been an outlet for me for several years. I dont know what I would do without it. It is how I express myself.
2. My dogs are my babies. They are spoiled. They will always be allowed to sleep in my bed. I love making them happy, because they do the same for me.
3. Just because I dont go to church, doesnt mean I dont believe in God. I have a good relationship with him. I dont need to justify anything I do to anyone besides Him.
4. I have extremely high expectations for my life, and what I do with myself. I want to be famous. I want to be remembered long after I am gone.
5. I love my brothers. They have become a very important part of my life. If I didnt have them I dont know where I would be. They protect me. I can go to them about anything. I waited a long time for the relationship that we have.
6. I love my mom. We dont always get along, but if I need something in fifteen minutes, she gets it to me in ten. She does the best that she can do with me. I am difficult. But I got that from her.
7. I am a great friend. If you call me at two in the morning and you need me, I am there. No questions asked. If you are one of my friends, you know the dedication that I have to you, and you know that you are the family that I chose.
8. I am diabetic. I hate it. Every single second of it. I cant wait for a cure. I will be first in line. Mark my words.
9. I am extremely insecure about myself because of the things that I went through in school. I put on a tough face. Doesnt mean I am always that tough.
10. I dont do anything I dont want to do. Im not influenced by people. If I make a choice, its because I wanted to do it. Id rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.