I Work Out.
This here is my buddy Mike. He has been working at toning up, and I have been working on shooting people for muscle definition. Here is the result. Enjoy.
In Case You Haven't Already.
Hey everyone,
Its not often that I post blogs that arent directly about my photography, and I dont plan on starting now. But I do have this one thing that I would like to ask from the people who have viewed my blog over 5,200 times (seriously you guys are awesome). I took photos for my friend Alyssa who entered into a contest call The New Marilyn. They are looking for girls to cast in the new movie they are casting for in 2013. Alyssa entered into the contest a few weeks ago, and is doing really well as it is, however, a little more pull in her votes could make a huge difference. I am also tagged on the Instagram photo as the photographer, which I thought was pretty awesome, this could even bring some light on me. :) But I have posted the link to her photo, so please, click it and like her photo. If you have an instagram, you can go vote there too. Tell your friends and family too! Thank you for your constant support with my blog and my photography. It is amazing that I have such a big group looking at my work.
Marriage. Marriage Is What Brings Us Together Today.
Kristin and Kolton are getting married next year. I am privileged to be their photographer and today we did their engagement photos. It was a tad chilly, but I think that they turned out great. We had a good time, some of my assistants got attacked by geese even. There will be more to come for them. Enjoy.
You might need to do a double take, to notice that this isnt Marilyn herself. That and I have been slacking on my witchcraft skills to bring her back from the dead, silly. But this here is Alyssa. She is entering into a contest for a Marilyn look a like and I am asking that you guys throw in some help to not only support her to win, but to bring some attention to my photography, which would totally mean the world to me. Her pictures will be posted in a week or so, so go here http://www.facebook.com/thenewmarilyn?fref=ts to like her picture when it is posted, and if you have an instagram @thenewmarilyn go like her picture there too. Like only her picture, theyre picking the top ten girls. Thank you, for your constant support and always keeping me doing what I love. Go vote as soon as you can! Enjoy.
Zoom Zoom.
Boys on motorcycles always turn heads. My friend Mike volunteered for this shoot for school. We had originally planned to do this somewhere else, but due to the fact the Henderson is an indecisive girl when it comes to the weather, we werent able to. So we improvised on the location, but I am so so so happy with how these came out. This was his first burnout ever, which I didnt know before he came over. Personally, I think he did an amazing job, and got me one of the best shots that I have taken in a while. Vroom. Enjoy.
Bun In The Oven.
Graham and Schaara are going to be adding to our ever growing Bradley Clan. We had a gender revealing party and we all took our wagers on what we thought that they were going to have. Jordan, "I knew what you were having as soon as you walked through the door with that grin on your face!" After the boys of the family tore open the box with the big secret, blue balloons came out! Little Grayson will be here in February. I cant wait to meet him, and I cant wait to share him with you all. Per certain followers request, I have added more than one photo. Schaara just started showing, of course there will be more photos to come as she grows. Until then. Enjoy.
Here Comes The Bride.
This was the first shoot of my wedding class. There are a few more shots that I am working on, but i havent had a chance to finish them. I really love this shot. We set up a few things in class today to shoot and style for the pictures that we would take before a wedding. This one I am just in love with, and I will be adding it to my portfolio. Ladies, since you're all getting engaged, keep me in mind for your wedding. :) Once again. Enjoy.
Bow Ties.
This here is Maddie. Beautiful as always, she has officially been brought in as one of my subjects. This was an assignment for school, Big Face. She got all pretty for me at 8 at night for this shoot, what a trooper. As always, enjoy.
The Youngest Generation.
Meet the youngest of the Bradley Clan. We have another baby on the way, Graham and Schaara are expecting in February, and we are all excited to add another grandbaby, niece or nephew, to the group. Our family is growing at rapid speeds. I must say we have a pretty good looking crew. Emeryck, Reagan, and Olive Bradley. Enjoy.
Im Calling It, SHOPPED.
I know that it has been a while since I posted anything, so I thought that I would make up for it now. Im taking summer classes, and one of the classes Im taking is photoshop. This assignment was before and after photos, to put together all the things that we learned this semester. The after photos are first, as I hope you can obviously tell. I learned so much about photoshop this semester, and I must say, I am really excited with the new things I now know. My photography will get that much better. I didnt put my watermark on these images, but feel free to use yours if you want to, just please give MoiraLiane Photography the photo credit where ever you post them. Enjoy.
Ink Me.
I’m passionate. And invested.
My life is whirlwind, but capturing photos – moments frozen in time –
permits an invested exploration of each passionate moment, so I can look
life in the face, look at it all together in context.
Photography slows (my) life down and lets it tell its story. Im also a
people-lover and tend to photograph people whose passions move and inspire me. I photograph them doing what they love and capture them as
they are:
Whole. Complete. Complex.
I want their personality to infuse the whole shot.
Because a single word, one sentence, even a well developed paragraph is
never enough to fully capture the essence and vitality of a person-a
photograph, worth a thousand words, is the best way I have to tell their
story, express their emotions –
speak their language.
Well everyone, this semester has come to a close, finally. I have worked harder the past five months, than I have my entire college career. I have learned so much and have really pushed myself in more directions than I thought I could handle. But it was great. And even through all my bitching, I loved it.
I want to thank everyone who helped me with my photos this semester. You guys really inspire me to be the photographer I am. I love capturing all these moment in time, and holding them there for you forever. I cant thank all of you enough for the constant support that you show me as I build myself in this industry. I am constantly checking how many people are looking at my pictures, and it amazes me the amount of supporters I have. You guys are so awesome. It means the world to me.
This is my final portfolio. Cody, Jessica, Redd, Jake, Clarissa, and Kristin thank you, for sitting for me and for bringing this portfolio together.
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