

Little Orion is growin up! I was able to meet up with Chris and Sam for some rather adorable pictures of Orion with his balloons from his first birthday. This dapper little fellow is starting to recognize people and as soon as he saw me was clapping and smiling. He looooves his balloons, even though he wasn't quite sure about being on the wonky rocks and wet grass. As always, a happy little fellow looking all sorts of dapper. Enjoy.


Happily Ever After.


I met Vic and Herman about 11 months ago at a company Christmas party. I had been in California and drove home to change and then go straight to the party. I had been talking to someone who wanted to introduce me to Vic as she was planning her wedding and needed a photographer. Despite the long day of driving, I was excited to meet her in person and finally put a face to the name I had heard such great things about. As I have come to find in the last 11 months of knowing Vic, she was an absolute gem to talk to. I was also able to meet her then fiancé Herman who was just as sweet as she is, and hear about their incredible story. Vic and Herman have been together for 10 years and they were planning a November wedding on a rooftop at sunset. While listening to them tal about themselves I could see the immense amount of love they have for each other. Vic was overflowing with joy and Herman was the real life version of the heart eye emoji as he let Vic tell their story. 
We let the holiday season pass and did engagement pictures in January. The entire time they were all smiles and jokes and couldn't stop talking about how excited they were to be getting married. We were touch and go throughout the year to make sure everything was set up for their wedding day. Vic being one of the easiest and most understanding brides I've ever worked with, I was so excited for their wedding day to finally arrive. And to say it was well worth the wait would be an understatement. 
Vic and Herman were such a joy to capture moments for. As always, Vic was as happy as could be and glowing with happiness as she got ready to walk down the isle. Herman was hanging out with his boys and cracking jokes while they got ready. Their friends and family were so wonderful to be around and all of them couldn't stop congratulating and complimenting Vic on how beautiful she looked throughout the night. As a photographer you want to be frustrated at interruptions with pictures, but I couldn't be mad as I saw all the love that was present for Vic and Herman on their wedding day. I was so lucky to be a part of this day for them. 
Vic and Herman, thank you. 
I loved that I was able to be your photographer for this adventure you're starting after ten years of being together. You two are overflowing with love and it is such a beautiful thing to see. Thank you for the good laughs during all our time together and thank you for picking me to capture these moments for you to look back at for the rest of your lives. I am honored that you enjoyed my spunk and for the never ending understanding during any of the hiccups we came across. I wish nothing but the best for you two as you start this part of your lives together and I can't wait to see the wonderful life you adventure on together. 



Oh Boy, Charlie Brown!

Halloween is just around the corner and I had the chance to grab some adorable shots in a pumpkin patch with the Adams Family. Orion was the cutest Charlie Brown around, even though it wasnt the most important thing to be having his picture taken. Nonetheless, Chris and Sam were able to juggle pumpkins, pretend to pick Orion up, and make some funny noises to get their boys attention. Despite his best efforts, we still won on the picture front. Charlie Brown exploring for The Great Pumpkin. Enjoy. 


Watching Down.

For those of you that don't, though I don't know how you couldn't if you're checking out my blog like you should be ;P, the Wolff family never misses a chance for portrait sessions with me. Hell, even if they aren't in town they bring me to them for shoots. But Kellie and Chris were making a stop in Vegas to break in the new Yoli truck and Kellie can't say no to an opportunity to get the family in front of my camera. Lately I have been doing some really special work for people who come to me for portrait sessions, all of which have lost loved ones. Having seen some of the work I have done, Kellie contacted me looking for the same to be done for her. 

Last March I had the opportunity to fly to Alaska to be Chris and Kellies wedding photographer. The first time I got to hear about the amazing man that her father Gary was while Kellie was getting ready for her wedding. Unfortunately Gary lost his battle with cancer a few years ago, but Kellie was able to include some Gary in her wedding by wearing a ring of his. Talking the whole time about how much love he always had to give. You could feel the warmth in the air as she spoke about her father and what a goof he was. 

The second time I got to do a shoot for Kellie was in Washington last August when we did her maternity photos. In her never ending desire to light her girls lives up with the love that her father taught her, Kellie let me know that baby girl Wolff was going to be named after Grandpa Gary. Once again telling stories about her dad and what a ball of fun he was. Cracking jokes and giving everyone a hard time whenever he had a chance. It was wonderful to see her glow as she spoke about the incredible amount of love she has for him. 

Baby Garyn was born last October and once again I was flown out for pictures. Having been named after Grandpa Gary, he was a popular topic of conversation as Kellie talked about how she wished he could be here to see baby Garyn. Though not here in person, you can often find baby Garyn staring quite intently at the ceiling or a wall or a spot where it seems that nothing is there. It would seem that though Gary is not physically here, he is still watching over his girls and Garyn is set on making it known whenever he is around.

A few weeks ago when we did this shoot, if you have any knowledge about what Garyn is like in front of a camera, she was an angel in comparison. Kellie was on the hunt for a picture of her dad and her grandpa. Apparently they weren't known for taking pictures that would be of any use for a project like this but despite their best efforts, Kellie found the perfect picture of both of them for me to use.

Kellie, thank you for your never ending use of me for all your photography needs. Our paths crossed by complete chance but I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge what a significant difference your family has made to my life. From Alaska to Washington to Colorado and soon to be Texas, I love the time that I spend with your family. I love hearing stories about your dad and the amazing father he was to you and the teddy bear grandpa he was to Karlie in the short time they had together. I see so much love pouring out of you every time you talk about him and how fondly Karlie speaks of him. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for bringing this idea to me. I am so lucky to be your designated photographer and I am so happy I was able to create this memory for your family. Especially for your girls. Although he is gone, he obviously left behind a legacy of love that you are more than fulfilling in his place.



Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do

A few months ago I was lucky enough to cross paths with two amazing dudes. One I had met through a social network and the other I met through the first. The universe has a way of putting things in front of you that you don't even know you need, and these two are no exception. Chris and Guy have been working for a few years to create a social network that is about the one thing that we as humans have in common. 


dreamr was created to help people realize their dreams and set out on a course to accomplish them. A majority of social media has been guided in a direction that can be rather draining. While not the intention, we all know how negativity can come in on status updates, news stories, or anything of the like. dreamr is here to change that. 

I have spent several months watching these two build this social network based on positive vibes and following your dream. When you put it out into the universe, the universe gives it back to you. Encouraging you to pursue your dreams, to see what other people are dreaming, and how they're working to accomplish their dreams, dreamr is a place of positivity and encouragement like I have never seen before. Conversations with Chris and Guy are some of my favorite. They have given me a boost in pursing my dream that I didn't even know I needed but I am so thankful for them to have done. I have spent more time on my photography lately than I have in quite some time, and I want to thank them and dreamr for the push, the positivity, and the enviornment to document my journey to accomplishing my dreams. 

Currently only available for iOS, I would like to encourage all of you who can to check out dreamr and see what it can bring to your life. 

Dreamrapp.com has all the information for the app and a link to take you to the App Store to download. 

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. 
We are the future. 


Master Chubby Cheeks

Skylars first birthday was two months ago, but better late than never right? This little chunk of love has been victim to my camera since the moment Ryan and Bri found out he was on his way. We have done announcement pictures, maternity pictures, newborn pictures, and finally his one year pictures. I have fallen in love with this sweet boy as I've watched him grow over the last year. A charming little devil like Dad and so full of love like Mom, Sky is already such a gentleman. He loved being the center of attention at the party while he busted out his dance moves on grandmas speaker by the pool, made quite a splash in the pool with Mom, and of course shoved his face in the deliciousness of his first cake. 
Ryan and Bri, you two are amazing parents. Skylar is so lucky to have parents who work so hard to give him everything he could possibly need. I know that things aren't  always sunshine and rainbows with him but it brings me so much joy to see how much love you have for this little guy. He is growing up to be such a character and I can't wait to capture more moments for your family as it grows. I admire your determination to give him such an amazing life filled with love. 

Afternoon Glow

I had the wonderful opportunity of doing this shoot with a friends friend who recommended using me for family photos. Sam and Cece were all about a family shoot close to their house on a Friday afternoon. While the heat is no joke these days, we were lucky to run into some pretty ideal weather conditions that resulted in some pretty stellar pictures. It's not always easy getting three kids to be about family pictures, but once Joseph was able to do some tree climbing and his sisters were able to poke some fun at him while climbing in flip flops things started to flow quite nicely. 
Sam and Cece, thank you for the opportunity to capture your family. Your kids are so sweet and I enjoyed getting them to relax for the camera so you could have some rad family portraits. 


Snug As A Bug.

Dear Jessica, 

As I know you are a constant addition to the blog views I have accumulated over the years, and how you are always on the prowl for new posts. I will take a moment to apologize for the lack of posting I have done lately but I would like make it up to you with pictures of your adorable boy. I figured that you would be willing to accept this trade. ;) 

Your favorite photographer. 

Baby Henry has had this shoot planned since forever, basically. I fell in love with his chunky cheeks and little smirks while we shot. Such a sucker for mom, he was as happy as could be while being constantly moved around and stripped to his diaper. Ethan was able to stay up after work to snag some seriously adorable shots with Henry. Jessica kept him snug and happy between shots which made my job all th easier, he is a mamas boy. Of course, getting some pictures repping his team for Henry to always know he started as a Kings fan. I am so happy to be able to be part of these moments and can't wait for more. 

Miss Independent.

Little Aria is growing up, as they always do, faster than I can keep track of. It seems like just yesterday I was congratulating Franz and April on the birth of their adorable baby girl being born. She's now one, and is quite the little spit fire. We were finally able to set up a shoot to take pictures of her in all of her one year glory. She was a little hesitant at first but once I got her to warm up to the camera, it was all fair game. Drooling, running around, and sharing all sorts of giggles I was able to capture her spunk. Mom and dad spent a fair amount of time chasing her around as she just wanted to explore everything around her and I loved stopping time as she did. This little girl is going to be a handful but she has some amazing parents that will guide her as she grows. I can't wait to watch and capture more precious moments with her. 

From The Stars

A few months ago I crossed paths with someone I met on a social media site about two years ago. As always, things fell into place just as they were meant to and he became my roommate. He then introduced me to his friend and business partner Chris. My photography became a frequent topic of conversation and he decided to ask if I could do pictures of his precious baby boy Orion who was about to turn six months. Given that we spent quite a bit of time together, I got to hear many stories about him and what an angel of a baby he is. Chris said he was starting to sit up on his own and he would like to have portraits taken of him. While I always enjoy shooting, it's a favorite of mine to be able to shoot people I know because it gives me the chance to capture them in portraits that really show who they are. Chris and his wife Sam gave me full liberty to set up the shoot and I took full advantage of being able to try some ideas I've been working on. This was the first time that I had met Orion and he has to be, hands down, the calmest baby I have ever done portraits of. Happy as can be, interested in everything around him, and with the help of Dad we were able to get these adorable pictures of Orion. 
Chris and Sam, thank you for picking me to take these pictures of your baby boy. He is so wonderful and I loved working on this shoot. I look forward to capturing more moments with this chunk. I am so grateful for the chances I have to stop time for friends and I love that I was able to add him to my portfolio. I'm sure there will be more to come. 


Guardian Angel.

This is a very special session that I had with one of my good friends Lelan. I met him in high school when we were on varsity swim but ended up taking very different paths in life so we ventured away from each other, and if you were to ask me now how we crossed over each other again I couldnt tell you why. We started talking again just after I had turned 21. Lelan had a pool at his dad's house and it was my first summer I was able to drink so we got our swim and drink on in his backyard on the reg. Lelan's dad Kevin was usually home and always cracking jokes with us. He adored that I was able to keep up with his sass, but was unable to handle that I was not a fan of beer. One night when I came over to grub on the ever popular dinner choice of pizza, Kevin pulled a cold Foster's beer out of the fridge and assured me that this would be the beer that would change my mind. Of course he wasn't wrong and got a good laugh out of proving that my protests of his claim to be true were incorrect. After than, he always had Foster's for me. I spent so much time with Kevin and got to see how full of love he was. When he became a grandpa for the first time, he was so proud to be able to show off his grandson at every opportunity. When I thought he couldn't love any more, he proved me wrong. 

I will never forget the drop in my stomach when I found out he had passed away with no warning before Christmas in 2013. Lelan and his girlfriend Robbin met shortly before Kevin passed, so he was able to meet the lady to later steal his sons heart. Lelan came to me when they found out Robbin was pregnant and wanted me to do the announcement photos for them. He was so out of this world excited to be a dad. One of the first things he said was that he wanted to be as great as a father as his dad was because he wanted to make him proud. Lelan isnt the one who makes suggestions on idea for pictures, he is always happy to just do as he is told, which is what surprised me when he came to me with an idea for pictures with Skylar as her due date approached. It meant so much to him to be able to have a picture with Kevin and Skylar. Kevin wasnt able to meet his granddaughter in person but she will forever feel him with her in the people that he touched while he was here. Lelan was able to find me a few pictures of Kevin that would work for his idea and the final shot is even better than I had seen in my head. 

Lelan, thank you so much for picking me to create this moment for you. I dont often get the opportunity to create such special moments, Im usually just capturing them. I love that you came to me with the idea and that we were able to get what you were hoping for. I am so excited to watch you be just as amazing of a father as dad was. I see so much of his love in you as you work to provide for you family and friends in any way and any time that you are asked in the same way that dad did. Know that dad is always around, most likely getting a good laugh at your expense, but still guiding you as you raise Skylar. I know how much you wish that he could have been here to meet her but I know that you will be able to tell her such amazing stories about the wonderful man he was so that she can know him through you. Dad is proud of all the great things you are doing with yourself. Keep it up.