
Spin Me Right Round.

Night photography is proving to be quite the challenge for me. I am not a big fan of landscape photography, and a lot of this class is just that. Long shots, lots of driving, and a ridiculous amount of waiting to see what I am shooting. And as you all know, I am a people person. The las few assignments have allowed me to shoot with models and after I finish those assignments it really shows me that expanding what I am learning to shoot can be a really good thing just as much as it is a frustrating thing for me. I had a very different idea for this shot but it ended up not working how I had hoped that it would. Shooting with my best friend really helps me out because he is able to put in ideas that I wouldnt have thought of on my own and, amazing shots like these are often the results. Thank you Michael, for always being up for being my model and helping me see things from a different point of view. Working with you is good for me, as if 18 years of friendship hasnt already shown me that, but I dont say thank you as much as I should. Lily, thank you for being willing you get up from your comfortable spot in the middle of the street to get me this shot. Sparks always fly with you and Michael. Enjoy.

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