
Candid, Not So Posed.

This years family photos was done in the usual fashion. Jason and I texted back and forth about where Lois wanted to do pictures (Spring Mountain Ranch for my first time *heart eyes*) and props (didn't need any, Mick is the prop) and as always the result was wonderful. 

Also per the norm, Jason was giving Lois a hard time about her always requested posed pictures. This year had a special emphasis on it, and I think the result was stellar. As Jason got a good toss around from the fam, he also got a few good pokes at how everyone was looking for some fun family pictures this round. Lois was not as please when his talking in each picture didnt always translate how she was looking for family pictures this year. Luckily, I was able to pull off my usual photoshop magic (even did some master moving of the sun this year for Lois's requests) and I am as always so happy with the results.

Jason and Lois, I love that you have had me shooting your family portraits for three years in a row now. I adore your family and the laughs we never fail to have during our shoots. This year featuring a rather power hungry park ranger who was not ready for the group of sass he was dealing with. Thank you for coming to me once again this year, I adore any time I get to be around your family.



Out Of This World.

These precious humans are the niece and nephew of my wonderful co worker, Taylor. River was able to welcome his new baby sister Relm in the last few weeks. He love his sissy bones jones almost as much as he loves mommy paying attention to him. Relm is the calmest tiny human I have ever met even despite her brothers best efforts to make the most noise possible. This was a stellar shoot, and my first tiny human shoot post hand trauma, and I don't know if I could be more happy with the result. 
Thank you Taylor, for letting me capture these moments for your tiny humans. Just as you are, they were angels and I adore the joy that River has to share, and the calm Relm is about. I look forward to helping you with solid scrapbook material.
Love you, mean it.


Handing Off My Girl.

Dearest Jordan,

From the hair in these pictures alone, you can start to understand how long I have known Tenaya. And even the stretch in these pictures you cannot measure the time in which she has blessed my life. 

But, you already know that.

It has been one month since you married her. My best friend, the girl who taught me how to color in the lines. The girl who has hated me and loved me more than anyone in my entire life. From the weirdest moments of my life to the most incredible, the girl who has cheered for me to be living my best life for as long as I can remember. 

I have watched her love and hate you in the equally most incredible ways for what seems like such a short time when it is laid out, but still feels like you have been around forever. 

Like you were always meant to love her. 

I would be lying if I said I was ok with sharing her with you at first, as she was always my boo for all my things, and anyone who was going to step in needed to be treating her in the same ways. But as I watched the two of you grow together, I learned to appreciate the time that she gave to you was well spent. 

Because you also took care of her. Endlessly.

I loved watching my best friend glow with the joy of someone who saw her for all she was worth, which has always been my best dream for her since she is one of the most incredible souls I have been lucky enough to cross paths with. She had someone who was goofy, could make her laugh even when she didnt want to. She had someone who was kind, with no other intention than to help her when she didnt know she even needed it. 

She had someone who wanted to see her live her best life. 

Only because I love her so much am I so happy to let someone else have her time. I know that you have the best intentions for her. I know that you are an amazing catch for my amazing best friend. And I know that you love her in ways she had always dreamed of being loved. 

I am happy to hand my best friend to you, as I know that she is in good hands. 

I love that you are the man of my best friends dreams. I would insert some super aggressive beset friend threat that you best watch your back if you hurt my girl, but I dont think that I need to worry about that. 

And know that I always have your back, because my girl put a ring on you. 

What she says, goes. As you know. 

Welcome to the fam. 

Its more lit with you here. 


I am so happy to announce Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Watkins.



Honorary Maid of Honor.

Where do I even start with this one?


Ok, so, now that I got that out of the way. 

Of course, I always always always have a story for my photos. Even with the new folk, there is always behind the scenes info to be shared. But to say that I have a behind the scenes story with this one would most likely be the most under estimated thing I have said to you, ever.

Tenaya has been my best friend for more years than I have fingers and toes. We have history that I only share with a handful of people, and most of them are blood related. Back in the day she knew me as "that annoying girl who stays with my family when her parents go out of town, and she is always hungry.
But now I like to think that she thinks of me, in the way that I think about her, my absolute ride or die homie who, even on the days I consider smothering her with a pillow, would still be there to have my back without question. 

Tenaya, I honestly am unable to put into words how much you mean to me. I am lucky to have had you around long enough to also not need to. I have very few epic stories in my life that dont involve you. Whether they be when we would bumpin on the way to seminary with our packed lunches courtesy of my mom's peanut butter and mini chocolate chip sandwiches to eat in fifth hour, or now when we are able to text each other "I'm already in my pajamas, can we do it another time?" *at 6pm on a Saturday* and know that we are good to go for another night. I wouldnt be who I am today if I didnt have you.

I have always known how wonderful you are, and I am so happy to see that you have someone who values you too. Jordan you one one of my favorite humans, because you make my most favorite human so happy. I see how much you have grown together and I love that you are the person who makes my person smile. Im also glad that you always knew that I came as part of the deal, and you have always been about it.

I cant wait to capture your happiness on your wedding day. And everything else to come.